Ponies and Ponies and Ponies and Ponies...

/ Tuesday, November 8, 2011 /
Sweater: Vintage
Skirt: Charlotte Russe

Is it really fall? Really? Did we have a snowstorm last week or did I somehow imagine it? I don't even know anymore. I left my room this morning in a winter coat and thigh highs and had to strip them off the second I got to class. It is literally shorts and tshirt weather right now. My top half still gets cold, though, so I opted to wear one of my vintage sweaters. I didn't use to like sweaters but I'm really falling in love with them. I love the pixel-y look of the designs like this one. This sweater also really reminds me of My Little Pony, although I'm pretty sure it's not meant to be, but the little speckles look like a cutie mark.

I also had a big test today in my stats class and hoped that I would get a little unicorn magic from my sweater. I'm not really sure if it worked though... but hey, it was worth a shot!

I also didn't notice before taking this picture that I still have a band-aid on. I'm always bumping into things so this isn't really a new thing for me, hah. It's not so much that I'm clumsy so much as I'm not very observant. I swear though, tables and chairs just appear out of nowhere!

Bunny ring: Sweet Surprises

Here's a close up of the unicorn and some of my rings. They're a little hard to see, but one is a bunny and the other is a strawberry tart. I barely ever wear any jewelry or accessories. Hopefully that will change soon though! I'm trying to build up my accessories collection (although then I go and spend my money on sweaters...) so I can make my outfits more interesting.

Edit: The sweater is indeed a My Little Pony sweater! It comes from an old vintage My Little Pony pattern. I would love to be able to get my hands on it someday, whenever I learn how to knit anyway. So many things I need to learn how to do...

Monochrome Days

/ Sunday, November 6, 2011 /
Wow, it has been a while since I actually blogged. I can't even blame it on the crazy snowstorm we had last weekend, since I wasn't posting before then and I haven't posted since. I've even had photos to post, but I just haven't felt much like blogging.

Last weekend we had a freak snowstorm that knocked out our power for a few nights. There were still leaves on the trees, so all the snow weighed them down and branches started to fall from the weight. I was out in the middle of the storm and almost got hit way too many times. In the aftermath there were trees and branches down all over campus. They still haven't been able to clean up all the debris.

Shirt, Jacket, Skirt: Forever21
Headband: Icing

Lately I've been forgoing my skirts for jeans, again. I'm trying to get out of this habit but I keep on falling into it, ahh. I think that a lot of it has to do with the weather changes. First it's cold, then it's warm, then it's cold again! New England weather is too bipolar. It really discourages me from dressing nice. I just want to curl up in my bed and sleep, not get dressed to go out. Alsas, class awaits.

In an attempt to shed my jeans-wearing self, I've turned to my other form of comfort dressing: black and white clothing. I absolutely love this color combination, since it's so easy to put together. I have a lot of black and white clothing in my wardrobe, and it all pretty much goes together so coordinating is easy. It's a bit of a cop out for me, but the end result is nice and polished, in my mind anyway.

This is also one of my few outfits that doesn't have anything thrifted. I'm not really a huge fan of fast fashion retailers, since so much of the clothing just falls apart. I had a shirt rip right up the armpit the other day! I had barely even worn it. There's also the ethical issues involved. But sometimes I cave and take a look through the sales racks. I do like a lot of the things I find. My favorite part about searching sales racks is finding all the little gems people have overlooked. It's very similar to the feeling I get while looking through all the racks of a thrift store to get that one amazing find. Of course nothing will ever beat that great thrifting find, especially if it's some nice vintage clothing. It's sad that that quality of clothing doesn't always happen nowadays. I wonder if clothing from now will someday become vintage or if it will all have disintegrated by then? I'm sure some will still be around, but I don't know if the current thrifting and vintage trend will continue, especially if the economy ever recovers and people get enough disposable income to be able to buy everything new.

I'll hopefully be posting a few more posts over the next week, since I have other outfit photos queued up. I've just been extremely lazy in actually posting.



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